I Love You

Image source: Photo by Roman Kraft on Unsplash

Sitting in confusion
In the energy moving
Sometimes difficult to navigate
Feeling strength and truth underneath it all
Even more bewildering
To have the knowing
And not have it come out
To sit in it
Marinating for hours and days on end
Takes a profound man who is committed to his cause
Here I am
Observing the relevance of it
Drowning in paradox
Gobbling up the sensations
Until I decide to release them
Out into the world
From the depths of my knowing
In the hearts of men and women everywhere
Yearning for truth and meaning
Hoping for something to believe in
The knowing of Truth brings responsibility
The feeling of realness
Leaks out to distant frontiers
I’ll leave You with Myself
With my heart dripping of love and care
Let’s say a simple prayer
I love You, Ian

Ian Altosaar

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